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How do we Navigate War?: Evaluate The Information

Guide of resources for discussing, navigating, analyzing, absorbing the information overload factual and otherwise of War.

VIDEO: How to choose your news!

             HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR NEWS                 Watch!    

Reliable Sites For Ukraine Information

Podcast: reliable and up-to-date information on Russia-Ukraine crises.

Debunked Information #ukrainefacts

Russia-Ukraine Crises in relation to the rest of the world.


Get AP Stories every morning.

Discussing Emotional Topics

How to talk to kids about violence, crime, and war.

An age-by-age guide: how to talk to children about war and conflict.


Elementary School Discussion: Russia-Ukraine Crises

Conversations on History and Current Events ~Elementary

Tips for teachers and parents of middle school children

Crash Courses by Media Wise: Navigating Digital Information