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Natick High School Library Resources: Home


“Without libraries, what have we? We have no past and no future.
—Ray Bradbury

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Library Information

Library Hours. Monday - Thursday: 7am - 5pm, Friday: 7am - 2:17pm

Ms. Tara McDonald: Library Teacher

(508) 647-6630

Ms. Juliana Gale: Library Assistant

Mr. Chris Rubén Winters: Library Assistant

Ms. Sassamon (A.K.A. "Sassy")

NHS Support Dog

Mission Statement

Our Vision:

The students and staff in the Natick Public School Library system will feel welcome, be curious, and will be equipped and empowered for lifelong learning, through access to information, competence with information literacy skills and commitment to understanding and creating solutions to the problems and challenges ahead.

Our Mission:

The mission of the Natick Public Schools Library Media Program is to create a welcoming, inclusive learning environment through rich, diverse literature and a curriculum that reflects our students and global community. We are committed to ensuring that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. As School Library Media personnel, it is our job to empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.

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Book Request

Is there a book we don't have, but you think we should?

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Our Policies

All books in our library are available for checkout. The collection is developed to represent all facets of our school community and community at large. For more information, please check our Selection Policy or Procedures for Re-Evaluation of Materials.