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Library Schedule

Gwendolyn K. Airasian Library Media Center


After School:

2:05pm - 3:00 pm Tues. / Weds.

Mr. Luke Steere, librarian

508-647-6670 X1210

Ms. Susan Read, circulation librarian

508-647-6670 X1215

Library Advisory Board It’s your library- have a say in how it is run. This club meets on Wednesday AND Thursday MORNINGS, from 7-7:35am. The club ends in time for members to check in at homeroom.

Speech Team meets on Mondays after school until 2:55pm. Speechies learn about public speaking techniques and craft their own speeches about topics of their choice.

METCO buses are available at 3pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Students as Readers is for all students looking for a monthly book club. We decide on a book, and meet the second and fourth Thursdays each month for discussions. Enrollment is open throughout the year-- join any time!

Library After School is open two times per week. Students must sign in. Students who arrive after 2:20 must have a pass from the teacher they were with.


Please return all books into return bins in grade level hallways, outside the library, or at the circulation desk.

Overdue materials

There are no overdue fees or fines, but we do accept replacements or payment. Reminders are sent home with students monthly. Materials that have been overdue for 4 months will be considered lost.



Material Policy

Your middle school library includes both middle grade books (for ages 8-12) and young adult (YA) books (for ages 13-18). YA books allow for profanity, graphic violence, and romance and sexuality, though not all YA books contain these topics. Any YA book containing these mature topics will be designated with a YA STICKER ON THE SPINE. All books in your library are available for check out, but our 5th and 6th grade patrons will need to have approval to take out YA books. The collection is developed to have options for middle grade reads that are similar to the topics within any YA book on our shelves. Parents are welcome to email permission for their 5th or 6th grade student. For more information, please check our Selection Policy or Procedures for Re-Evaluation of Materials.

Our Vision:

The students and staff in the Natick Public School Library system will feel welcome, be curious, and will be equipped and empowered for lifelong learning, through access to information, competence with information literacy skills and commitment to understanding and creating solutions to the problems and challenges ahead.

Our Mission:

The mission of the Natick Public Schools Library Media Program is to create a welcoming, inclusive learning environment through rich, diverse literature and a curriculum that reflects our students and global community.   We are committed to ensuring that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. As School Library Media personnel, it is our job to empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.

Wilson Library Goals visual

  • Collaboration
  • Equity
  • Reading
  • Against Censorship


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